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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Lab 2 Part 3

Lab 2 Part 3

Q Lab Techniques Assignment • Points 3 • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload Complete the attached Lab Week 1: Lab Techniques Assignment. You will watch several short videos and take notes on each. Then, submit your notes. Your notes can be handwritten (and uploaded as a picture or scan), or typed. Lab Week 1.pdf Actions Lab Week 1.docx Actions

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• Always shut down the burner when not working on it. • If you smell gas, turn off the gas at the source to avoid fire danger. • The on-off platform saves some gas, reduces heat load and electricity expenditure, and serves as comfortable hand rest. • The gas adjustment screw control amount of propane. • The pressable on-off platform also controls the amount of gas used. And also, Air intake adjustment plays the same role.